Congratulation! You are old.

Hmm i know you are not the same everyday. There are times where you are loud and talkative and there are times when you are really quiet. I'm not sure i can define yourself, but i'm still trying to define yourself. I hate you when you were using your-black-glasses, i hate you when you were wearing your celana-kotak-kotak, and i hate you so many times, but i love you sometimes.

I go through photos on my phone and i think "Oh my God, your photos are too much! smh. I hate it."

Dude, if you're not in the mood, just go to sleep. I hope you'll sleep well.

Dude, may you receive good news on something that you have been patiently waiting for. Today is your turn to get blessed.

Dude, I don't know where i'm gonna be five-ten-fifteen years from now, but i pray it's somewhere with a beautiful view and you still beside me. Of course with ibuk, bapak too. Oh wait! My life-partner too. Xixixi. Happy birthday! How about Merbabu this month?



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